At Department of Play we see that the climate emergency is not just present but imminent. While we have always been a low emissions business, we are increasingly excited about and involved in crypto gaming. However, certain blockchains can have a significant impact on the environment and as such I wanted to set out our environmental policies clearly and publicly:

  1. Minimal Travel: We work remotely from our own homes and always will, eliminating emissions from commuting. As such we do not visit clients on site unless our work cannot be carried out remotely. We limit air travel for conferences to no more than twice per year per person.
  2. Crypto: We will hold no more proof of work coins, such as ETH, than is needed for us to accurately evaluate a game. We will trade these proof of work coins away upon completion of our work. Additionally, we will encourage our clients and the wider industry to use blockchains that feature alternative consensus protocols, such as proof of stake and proof of history.
  3. Hardware: Mobile, gaming and computer hardware is another area of concern for us. As such we purchase only the hardware needed, preferring used where possible, repairing (rather than replacing) where possible and reselling or recycling at the end of life. Additionally we will buy digital rather than physical versions of games where possible.
  4. Carbon Offsetting: We believe it is not enough to just lower emissions, but to also be at or below net zero while also helping to rewild lost habitats. As such we subscribe to Carbon Neutral Britain’s Small Business plan. This plan plants 30 trees and offsets 5 tonnes of CO2 equivalents each month, significantly more than Department of Play emits, via various UN-recognised initiatives.
  5. Environmental Project Discount: As of November 2021 we will offer a 10% discount to any project from any company, charity or NGO where the main aim is to educate and explain climate concepts or otherwise attempt to reduce emissions or damage to our natural environment. Previously we helped to design United Nations Development Programme’s Mission 1.5 alongside Playmob.

The above policies are intended to bring Department of Play to net negative emissions and by most reasonable carbon accounting methods will undoubtedly do so. However, Department of Play has a comparatively small environmental footprint in our industry. Instead our hope is that we in some small way can nudge other companies with more significant impact to consider ways to grow without expense to the climate and our environment.

Will Luton, Founder, Department of Play.